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About Us

Founded in 2018 as a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, our volunteer group provides information and education promoting the value of the wild horse.  Our mission statement is "the long-term maintenance of a viable, healthy, free-roaming horse herd on healthy rangelands."  Piceance Mustangs partners with the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) White River Field Office in Meeker, Colorado, to provide support for range improvement projects.  These include the removal of old barb wire fencing, repairs to existing fencing, improving water sources including converting wells to solar, database management to track the wild horses, and fertility control.  In addition, we provide information and education promoting the value of the Piceance-East Douglas HMA horses through presentations and our booth at various events.

We seek funding from grants, contributions and other sources to accomplish the foregoing purposes.


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