Guided tours are $10 per car. You will be following a volunteer in your own car as they guide you through the HMA. Be prepared for difficult roads, flat tires, and other car troubles. We are not responsible for damage to your vehicle.
Self-guided tours follow the marked tour loops. Please do not stray from the loops, for both your safety and the safety of the horses. Please come prepared, download the tour map, and follow our tips.
Maintain A Safe Distance
Although at times the horses may appear to be docile, especially when standing around or resting, please remember that they are indeed wild. Moving too close to them puts everyone at great risk. Remember that you are a stranger in their territory and respect their space. If you see a horse begin to back up even slightly because of your presence,
you are too close.
Never Feed The Wild Horses
Besides putting you too close to the horses, feeding them is extremely dangerous for the horses. Foods that are not part of their normal wild diets can cause serious imbalances in their digestive systems causing severe illness or death. Offering food hand-outs from vehicles teaches the horses to come up to the other vehicles on the road, putting them at great risk of being hit and injured or killed.
Drive Slowly And Stay Alert
If you are driving a vehicle on roads where driving is permitted, drive slowly and stay alert. Countless horses have been injured and killed by careless drivers. Hitting a horse can cause serious injury to you and damage your vehicle as well.
Prepare For A Long Walk
If you are walking, there is a good chance that you will walk quite a long way before seeing any horses. Wear comfortable walking shoes that can get dirty and muddy, and dress for the weather. Remember to take along common sense items like bottled water, insect repellent and sunscreen.
Take The Right Camera
Take a camera that has a reasonably powerful zoom feature and avoid any temptation to move too close to the horses for that great close-up shot.
Bring Binoculars
Binoculars will allow you to fully enjoy the horses while maintaining a safe distance, protecting both you and the horses.
Use Common Sense And Be Respectful
Want to learn more about the area before heading out for a tour? Check out these pages.